About CareLinks HEALTH

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Reasons for the Birth of the Organization

According to the report “Shining A light on Mental Health in Black Communities “by Mental Health Commission of Canada 2021 (www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English/covid19), these are Quick Statistics.


  • 3% of Black Canadian residents with poor or fair self-reported mental health used mental health services compared with 50.8% White Canadian residents (between 2001 and 2014).
  • Based on a 2018 survey of 328 Black Canadian residents 60% said they would be more willing to use mental health services if the mental health professional were Black (Culturally Competent Professional).
  • 4% were experiencing significant psychological distress, 34.2% of whom never sought mental health services

95.1% felt that the underutilization of mental health services by Black Canadian residents was an issue that needed to be addressed

In the ongoing work for social justice and true equity, we are supporting communities in Ontario to navigate barriers in accessing social services.


Our mission at CareLinks Health is to empower communities to enhance their health and well-being by serving as the vital link to care, offering a holistic approach that includes health promotion, education, training, and seamless access to essential services.


CareLinks Health envisions a world where all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, have the opportunity to lead healthy, fulfilling lives within vibrant and inclusive communities. We strive to be a beacon of support, fostering connections and facilitating access to vital resources, empowering everyone to thrive and enhancing our collective well-being.


1- To provide mental health support through health education and promotion to communities and Newcomers to enhance their physical, emotional, and social well-being. 2- To link members of the minority groups to competent professionals for care and counselling on sexual reproductive health and rights. 3- To health educate and provide information on STIs and HIV/AIDS prevention, control and linkage to treatment and care. 4- To carry out resource mobilization to support case by case individual members of communities living with mental health, HIV/AIDS and in poverty. 5- To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to attainment of above objectives or any of them.
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According to a 2020 Statistics Canada survey, for most measures of mental


Stigma can prevent people in Black communities from discussing or seeking


It can be difficult to build trust if the help seeker does not believe that the


Studies have found that difficulty recognizing symptoms of depression and

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